Friday, January 6, 2012

My New Year's Resolution for Reading.

For my New Year's Reading Resolution, I would usually say I'll read a book once every two weeks, or a month...that usually doesn't happen. Also, I'd usually end up reading books that I don't like, and they most likely bore me to tears. This year, I've actually learned what kind of genre I liked the most. Which is romantic books, and/or dramas, that involve teenagers. Mostly because I can relate to the books. Either those, or action books, but that's rare. In the past I would read history books, and I could not stand how boring those were! I don't even know why I would keep reading them, they didn't entertain me. So, for this New Year's, my resolution is to read books that I actually ENJOY & like. My New Year's resolutions don't usually include books, but this year I feel like reading a lot. I really want to read books like the Hunger Games and also books about Hitler because he really interests me for some strange reason! Oh well! Book! Books! Books! I'll be reading tons of them, I just know it!
Oh! and I learned something cool this year...that books are like TV's inside your head. :)

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with you, read what is enjoyable!!!!! I love the quote about books being TV in your head!
