Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I like to take pictures.
Pictures of random things. Pictures of cats. Pictures of french fries. Pictures of rain. Pictures of snow. Pictures of wild life, snakes, and bears. Pictures cute puppies. Pictures of fruit. Pictures of the sky. Pictures of pictures. Pictures of books. Pictures of food. Pictures of my friends, and I. 
Even if they're stupid, and dumb, if they "suck". I don't care, it makes me happy.
Some people tell me it's a waste of time.
That pictures...don't mean anything...
BUT, every picture is worth a thousand words, a thousand cries, a thousand tears, a thousands laughs, a thousand smiles or giggles.
...and shouldn't the world know what makes you happy? 
How you express your life through pictures?
After all, pictures DO tell a story. 
you should share yours.

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