Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Legalize Gay Marriage?

I say yes.
Now I don't know if they have, or not because I don't really pay attention to things in politics or related to it...but they should, in my opinion. I mean, people should be with who they want to be with, no matter what skin color, or gender. There's a saying that says "White doves should go with white doves, and black doves should go with black doves." WRONG. People can be with who they want to be with, and who they love. Who cares? And if you care, why do you care so much!? They're just two people in a world trying to make it through together.
Why would you want to stop someone from being happy?
Do people hate them so much that they have to be miserable?
It's ridiculous to me. Some people have killed themselves for being bullied about being gay, or a lesbian. 
Does that not even bother people? Am I the only one? 
I mean... most marriages with the same sex fail in usually about less than a year. 
Why can't the government just give it a try? Because I think same sex marriages would last MUCH longer. Overall, it should just be legalized, and everyone who tries to run their mouths about it, can just stop because they won't be hurting their happiness anymore, and happiness is pretty much all that matters.


  1. Why not let people marry who they love. Let them be happy


  3. This is definitely a hot topic. Keep watching the news.
