Monday, May 21, 2012

What I Learned From Middle School

Well, I've learned a ton of things.
You cannot give up on yourself.
It's better to be active during the school year, than to be doing nothing.
You have to pay attention in Algebra 1...
You should have a small group of friends that you trust,
because most people complain about stuff being spread about them..
well, then don't tell people everything about you?
You need to blog.
Make a tumblr, and blog.
Blog your feelings away, because if you need to vent I'm sure someone on there will listen.
Stay on top of your grades, especially if you're taking a high school class.
It's better to be a "nerd" and smart than act stupid and be popular.
because grades matter more than anything.
And lately people have been saying swag is now hip.
but..who cares about "SWAG"?
It's just a term.
Like any other word, which is also something I learned.
You have to ignore people with their violent words.
Oh, and anyone who says they have swag can tell me that when they're flipping me burgers.


Middle school has been really bad for me.
I guess I'd say seventh was my best year because that's when things really changed for me..
and each school year I've been a totally different person.
Over the years, I've learned a ton about myself.
In sixth grade, I was a total brat, and rude, and I was just an ugly person inside.
I can hardly remember anything that happened then, it's like that was a total black out.
and what seemed to be, one of the worst years of my life.
In seventh grade, I met some of the most amazing people who are now in my life as my best friends.
I met Silvia who is honestly one of my main best friends.
She's the first one a turn to for everything.
And I met Kenny, who is one of my other best friend's and I love that boy to death,
and even though he ticks me off ALL the time, he's always there at the end of the day.
In eighth grade I met some great people,
and it's been a difficult struggle for me but I've learned a lot.
I feel like I learned part of who I am this year and I couldn't have done it without anyone.
But, I'd just like to give a special thanks to anyone who has put up through my worst,
because that just means you deserve my best. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Well, today is my last day of school...
It's kind of sad.
But, I'm glad I get to get away.
Even though I'll miss everyone.
And to fill that feeling, I'll just tumblr at home.
so, yuhhhh.
bye bye.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

I wish

I wish I could talk to owls
I wish to fulfill my dreams
I wish Pokemons were real
I wish to see my cousin once more
I wish I could have all the sweets in the world
I wish some people would smile everyday
I wish I was a filmmaker
I wish I had a bigger fridge
I wish I could have a monkey
I wish I could be a fish
I wish I could leave Clarksville
I wish I could have a paint fight
I wish I could have a cute laugh
I wish I never will grow up
I wish I'll have eternal life
I wish I'll find my soul mate
I wish I will never give up on someone
I wish I will never get cancer
I wish I had more books
I wish my Daddy never broke his hips
I wish I never hurt mine.
I wish I could run faster
I wish this world was at peace
I wish my great grandpa hadn't done what he did
I wish I was as cute as a cupcake
I wish I could eat anything I wanted and never get chubby
I wish I  was super woman
I wish for all of my friends and family to have good health and happiness
I wish for you
I wish for my cousin to come home safe
I wish I never lose anyone in my life ever again
I wish I had the courage to punch you
I wish to live my life to its fullest
I wish school was over and that it was summer
I wish to have a great journey on this roller coaster we call life.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

biggest fears.

getting pants-ed. 
breaking my phone.
getting yelled at.
dead puppies.
picking up my home phone.
not living up to my potential.
being eaten alive.
being stung by a jellyfish.
the world ending this year.
being spit on by a camel.
being stuck on a Ferris wheel.
being stranded in the desert.
losing any body part.
I absolutely hate horses.
oh, and lets not forget,.
Kenny. :)

Friday, May 4, 2012


Let me start off by saving I absolutely love you to death.
We met weirdly, but I'm happy we did.
We weren't that close at all last year, and it sucked.
But this year, we're like peanut buttaaaa and jelly.
and I absolutely would die without you.
You're one of my best friends, and whenever something is wrong, you're usually the first person I vent or complain to.
I literally thank god I met you.
Because you're literally always there for me,
and even when I'm about to freaking cry,
you always make me laugh.
Whether it's because you burp,
you send me random pictures,
or make weird faces at me,
I always end up smiling.
You've been for me since last year,
and very few people stick around.
If I'm upset, you always come and hug me.
Just like today,
I was so upset, and had soap in my hands but you didn't care,
you still were there and made me smile.
Even if it did mean getting the bathroom all soapy.
You're one of my best friends, and I could never thank you enough.
Thank you for making me laugh today, I needed it.
& Stop being so cute.
I love you to death.
oh & poop.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


There's nothing to do,
nothing to say,
all because you take my breathe away.
I can't help how I feel,
you make things seem so real.
You're my best friend, 
and I don't think I can let you go.
I try to hide my feelings for you,
but everyday they always unfold.
I smile when you walk by,
always hoping I just caught your eye.
You know my flaws, 
but still ignore them all.
I ask the question, "Should I tell him" all the time,
seems like that's the only thing that crosses my mind.
I know it won't matter,
because your heart is already taken.
When I heard that, I felt shaken.
like my body was broken,
all thanks to the words you had spoken..