Monday, May 21, 2012

What I Learned From Middle School

Well, I've learned a ton of things.
You cannot give up on yourself.
It's better to be active during the school year, than to be doing nothing.
You have to pay attention in Algebra 1...
You should have a small group of friends that you trust,
because most people complain about stuff being spread about them..
well, then don't tell people everything about you?
You need to blog.
Make a tumblr, and blog.
Blog your feelings away, because if you need to vent I'm sure someone on there will listen.
Stay on top of your grades, especially if you're taking a high school class.
It's better to be a "nerd" and smart than act stupid and be popular.
because grades matter more than anything.
And lately people have been saying swag is now hip.
but..who cares about "SWAG"?
It's just a term.
Like any other word, which is also something I learned.
You have to ignore people with their violent words.
Oh, and anyone who says they have swag can tell me that when they're flipping me burgers.

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