Friday, May 4, 2012


Let me start off by saving I absolutely love you to death.
We met weirdly, but I'm happy we did.
We weren't that close at all last year, and it sucked.
But this year, we're like peanut buttaaaa and jelly.
and I absolutely would die without you.
You're one of my best friends, and whenever something is wrong, you're usually the first person I vent or complain to.
I literally thank god I met you.
Because you're literally always there for me,
and even when I'm about to freaking cry,
you always make me laugh.
Whether it's because you burp,
you send me random pictures,
or make weird faces at me,
I always end up smiling.
You've been for me since last year,
and very few people stick around.
If I'm upset, you always come and hug me.
Just like today,
I was so upset, and had soap in my hands but you didn't care,
you still were there and made me smile.
Even if it did mean getting the bathroom all soapy.
You're one of my best friends, and I could never thank you enough.
Thank you for making me laugh today, I needed it.
& Stop being so cute.
I love you to death.
oh & poop.

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